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We may be jumping the gun a little bit, but summer will be here before you know it. The snow will be melting (you still have a while – go skiing!) and the parking lots at local lakes will be spilling out onto the highway.  It’s time to plan a summer getaway or the only bear viewing you’ll be doing is from your Instagram feed on your couch.

Summer at Whitecap has been our little secret up until now, but it’s time to let the cat out of the bag.

Photographer Robin Bonner has been in on this secret long before many, and the McGillivray Pass has become one of her favourite places to escape the summer madness with her family.  We asked Robin to gather a few of her photos from last summer to share why this place keeps her coming back…

Alpine lake dips – swim trunks optional.

Quiet, and completely unplugged, family time. If you don’t Instagram it up here, it still happened.

The wildflowers. All of that snow we get makes quite the garden when it melts.

Yummy, healthy food (that you don’t have to make!).

Helicopter rides. They never get old.

Golden sunsets to end the day.